About Our Church
Our mission is to worship, connect, and serve.
Grace Baptist Church was founded under the leadership of Pastor Josh Beutow in March of 2008. We began meeting in the “School Information Systems” building (next to Tremont Fitness). In April of 2010, the Lord allowed us to purchase the old gymnastics building located between Tremont and Pekin on Route 9 in front of the Farmer’s Market.
The People Of Grace
Grace is made up of imperfect people, who are motivated by a passion for Jesus Christ and a compassion for all people. Our desire is to see Jesus Christ transform everything: ourselves as individuals, our church, our city, and our world. So…whatever your thoughts on church, whatever your beliefs about God, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE. We don’t have everything figured out, but we passionately follow the one who does; JESUS CHRIST.
Come Worship With Us
We are thankful that God sent His Son to redeem us, to mend our brokeness, and to forgive us of the sin we have committed against Him. We invite you to come and explore God and His Word for yourself. Don’t worry, you won’t be asked to wear a nametag or make a speech. Just come and see what God is doing here at Grace!